Today someone told me I was 'the mistress of all things awesome'.
You see, I belong to a fan group for Peter and Evynne Hollens, who are a married couple who are full-time professional musicians, vocalists mostly, who are intentionally independent of recording labels. They successfully produce and sell their own music, marketing it with YouTube videos. They are exceptionally talented. I wouldn't blame you a bit if you, dear reader, chose to Google their names as soon as you finish reading this very blog entry.
Now, this fan group is a full of exceptional and kind people from all over the world whom I feel very close to; the group is a wonderful online 'place' where I always feel welcome and happy, a 'place' full of warm memories and good friends. This group is special to me, I have always, from the day I arrived, felt like I belong there...almost like I was the missing puzzle piece, it just all...came together.
I am 48 years old, and this is the first time in my life I have felt like I have truly 'found my tribe', that these people, this 'place' the place where I belong.
Feeling that safe and happy, I post things there often. Probably too frequently, actually, but I haven't heard any complaints yet. :)
And today was no different. I posted a post that tied a few loose ideas together.
"Annnnd then this happened yesterday: Look at the random awesome comment on this G+ post of 'Geek and Sundry' which has to do with Felicia Day, who was the creator of "The Guild" web-series among many other awesome geek, gamer, and acting accomplishments..... Felicia Day was one of the awesome reasons Peter [Hollens] got such a boost from his Skyrim collab with Lindsey [Stirling], too. Oh, Felicia was in 'Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog' too, THAT is a great, great piece of art, that web-movie."
And one of the group members, Brenna J. Sullivan, liked my post so much she let me know:
"Dr Horrible, Felicia Day, Geek & Sundry, Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling and Skyrim all in one post... Robin you're the mistress of all things awesome!! Well done!!"
"Dr Horrible, Felicia Day, Geek & Sundry, Peter Hollens, Lindsey Stirling and Skyrim all in one post... Robin you're the mistress of all things awesome!! Well done!!"
How cool is that?! 'Mistress of all things awesome'. That could be so many things: an epic book title, a sweet blog title...if I become a superhero, do you think its too long to be my superhero name? I wonder what my husband will think of it...?