Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Yummy artisan bread 'Sicilian' from the Hy Vee in Faribault

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Ok its way past time for an explanation of why I have a photo of a loaf of artisan bread on my blog.

I have ADD.  This means, among other things, that my memory doesn't work really well. So I am always keeping notepads of notes, calendaring every little event past, present and future, and at the time, this was a handy way to help me to remember where I could go back and get this delicious bread, and that it exists, in case I ever wish to try to duplicate its salty beauty.  

[I think they brushed on those tips some Toasted Sesame Oil before baking; I love Toasted Sesame Oil, my favorite condiment.] 

But I discovered it at a grocery far from my home, 2.5 hours into our 11.5 hour trip home to Kansas, to bury my mother, who died on Memorial Day, May 28, 2012.